5/20 (Monday) - 3rd, 4th, & 5th Field Day
5/21 (Tuesday) - K, 1st, & 2nd Field Day
5/22 (Wednesday) - Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance Awards in specials
5/23 (Thursday) - 5th Grade Celebration
5/23 (Thursday) - Last day of school, early release at 11:45 am, NO ACE
Recognition Days for May:
- Military Appreciation Month - May
- National Mental Health Awareness Month - May
- Better Hearing and Speech Month - May
WHATYEAR it has been!
As we approach the end of another remarkable school year, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your partnership and support. Together, we have witnessed incredible growth and achievements in our students. They have excelled academically, branched out socially, made new friends, pushed themselves physically, asked insightful questions, demonstrated critical thinking skills, and diligently worked to follow school rules.
This year, we celebrated numerous events and activities that enriched our school community, including:
- Cultural Night
- Library courtyard beautification project
- Book Fairs
- Dress Up Days
- Slime Day
- Rick Edwards Day of Service
- Open Houses
- Student-Led Conferences
- Classroom Parties
- Assemblies
- Party with the Principals
- Honor Roll
- Perfect Attendance
- Positive Referrals
- Class Celebrations
- Classroom Connections
As we look forward to our Field Day and the end-of-year festivities this coming week, we are filled with gratitude and pride for all that we have accomplished together.
We wish you a safe and enjoyable summer filled with memories and fun. We encourage our students to continue reading and engaging with friends over the break. We look forward to welcoming you back next year, ready for more learning and growth.
With much appreciation and love,
Melissa Fletcher and the COLT staff
MFISD Parent Survey
Colt families,
You should have received an email requesting your participation in a MFISD climate survey.
Participation in this brief 5-10 minute survey is very important for us to receive feedback on what we are doing well and where we can improve as a school district to best love and inspire students.
Complete the survey here: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/MFISDParentSurvey
Registration for returning students is DUE May 23rd
Free Summer Program - ACE
The Mustang ACE Program would like to invite you to sign your student up for our free ACE Summer Camp! We will be offering a wide variety of academic enrichment, fun field trips, and opportunities to make new friends over the course of the summer. The ACE Summer Camp will take place June 3 – July 12 (no programming July 4 & 5). Breakfast, lunch, and a snack will be offered, as will transportation.
Registration will be on a first come, first served basis. Please complete this form as soon as possible to ensure your child a spot in the ACE Summer Camp.
Quarter 1 through Quarter 3 Attendance: 22students in all
This means that these students were not tardy and were present every single day for the entire first 3 nine weeks of school.
Quarter 2 Overall Attendance: 131 students with PERFECT ATTENDANCE
This means that these students were not tardy and were present every single day for the entire first nine weeks of school.
Quarter 1 Overall Attendance: 134 students with PERFECT ATTENDANCE
This means that these students were not tardy and were present every single day for the entire first nine weeks of school.
If your child has 3 or more tardies, the school will call to conference to make a plan on how we can improve and arrive at school on time. If tardies become a concern, there will be activities that you will complete as a family at home.
Attendance Guideline:
The limit is 10 unexcused absences in a year. A Truancy Prevention Plan is required after 5 unexcused absences. This allows open communication and a plan to help resolve any issue.
Our campus goal is to increase our overall attendance by 1% per our Campus Improvement Plan. To help us meet this goal, Colt will recognize student perfect attendance every 9 weeks, award a weekly "Golden Present" to the grade level with the most students "present" that week, and report attendance to parents through the Smore newsletter.
More information regarding attendance.
Morning Meeting information for the week
Rule of the week:Responsible Word of the week: Drive
Quote of the week: You are GOOD, you are SMART, you are IMPORTANT! - Unknown
Mission Statement:I will have the drive to work hard over the summer.
LUNCH TIME Information
Pre-K - 10:15-10:45
Kinder - 10:55-11:25
1st - 11:00-11:30
2nd - 11:35-12:05
3rd - 12:10-12:40
4th - 12:15-12:45
5th - 11:30-12:00
Recess will follow each lunch.
Families are welcome to come eat lunch with their child. Guardians and Emergency Contacts will be allowed to eat with the child. Due to limited space, we will monitor the size of the groups, asking groups to eat outside or split to different tables.
This can be a special time to visit with their child about their day or to bring lunch from your favorite place if you would like to! Visitors must sit at a table separate from the lunch tables to eat lunch as we do not allow visitors to sit at student tables. At this time we are asking that they not bring any friends with them to the table when they sit with their families. Photography/videoing is strictly prohibited in the cafe to respect the privacy of all students.
Thursday Folders
We use Thursday Folders to communicate with families. These folders will be sent home each week on Thursday. Please review all the graded work/Flyers, and sign every Thursday next to the corresponding date. Thursday folders are to be returned to school every Friday.
Important Information
- Doors open at 7:15 am
- Announcements and Pledges start at 7:35 am
- Tardy bell rings at 7:45 am
- Dismissal begins at 3:15 pm
- Transportation changes need to be called in by 2:15 pm
All visitors will need to scan their driver's license or other valid ID at the start of each year, even if you scanned into our system last year. All visitors must sign-in at the front office before entering our campus.
For arrival: In the morning, please have your child ready to exit the vehicle on the passenger side with all items ready to leave the car (lunch box, backpack, etc.). We appreciate you staying in line and not going around vehicles in front of you to help with the traffic flow.
For dismissal: We will dismiss beginning at 3:15. Please remain in your car in line and do not walk up to the front of the building during dismissal. Please be patient with our staff as we work to ensure that all of our students get home safely. Expect longer than normal wait times as we become familiar with new routines, students, and families. Staff members will be in the carline typing names into a spreadsheet for our staff inside the building. For this reason, you MUST have your CAR TAG displayed in the window for our staff members to easily type the name. Extra car tags are available in the front office.
All of our students are eligible for one free breakfast and lunch daily. Students have options to pay for seconds, snacks, and ice cream on Friday if families choose to add money to their account.
Please read to see how students are positively rewarded for above and beyond behavior in being safe, respectful, and responsible. At Colt, we reward for individual, class, and school behaviors!
Students will be going through the Student Handbook/Code of Conduct this with their teacher and in an expectation meeting with administration the first week of school. Parents sign they reviewed these two documents during the enrollment process.
Colt Elementary
Melissa Fletcher
Melissa is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters